Malt drinks, also known as malt beverages or non-alcoholic malt beverages, are beverages made from malted grains, predominantly barley. They undergo a brewing process similar to that of beer, but with one key difference: the absence of alcohol. 

Malted grains, typically barley, are steeped in water and allowed to germinate. This process activates enzymes within the grains, which convert starches into sugars. The malted grains are then dried, milled, and combined with water to create a sweet, malty liquid known as wort.

Once the wort is prepared, it is typically boiled and hops are added to impart bitterness and flavor. Hops also act as a natural preservative. After boiling, the liquid is cooled and yeast is added for fermentation. 
However, in the case of malt drinks, the fermentation process is halted before alcohol can be produced, resulting in a non-alcoholic beverage. Carbonation may be added to provide effervescence, similar to carbonated soft drinks.

Malt drinks come in a variety of flavors and styles, catering to diverse consumer preferences. Some popular types include:

Malt Soft Drinks: These beverages are akin to carbonated soft drinks and often have a sweet and malty taste, resembling the flavors of traditional beer.

Malt Energy Drinks: These drinks combine the benefits of malt with added caffeine and other energizing ingredients, providing a boost of energy.

Malt Health Drinks: This category includes malt-based beverages fortified with vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. They are often marketed as nutritional supplements or meal replacements.

Malt Sports Drinks: These drinks are designed to replenish electrolytes and provide hydration to athletes and individuals engaging in physical activities.

Malt drinks offer several potential health benefits, making them an attractive choice for health-conscious consumers. Some key benefits include:

Nutritional Value: Malt drinks can be a good source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, depending on the formulation. They often contain B-complex vitamins, which play a crucial role in energy metabolism.

Digestive Health: Malt drinks may have a positive impact on gut health due to the presence of dietary fiber and prebiotics. These substances can promote the growth of beneficial gut bacteria and aid in digestion.

Rehydration: Malt sports drinks are designed to replenish electrolytes lost during physical activity, helping to prevent dehydration and muscle cramps.

Energy Boost: Malt energy drinks provide a quick energy boost due to the combination of malt sugars and caffeine. However, moderation is key when consuming caffeinated beverages.

Nigeria, known for its vibrant culture, rich traditions, and diverse culinary delights, has a strong affinity for malt drinks. These non-alcoholic beverages have gained immense popularity in the country, both as refreshing thirst quenchers and as alternatives to alcoholic beverages. 

Malt drinks in Nigeria are known for their distinct flavor profiles, nutritional value, and ability to provide an instant energy boost. 

In this article, we will explore the top six (6) most popular malt drinks in Nigeria, showcasing their unique characteristics and why they have captured the hearts of Nigerians.

Malta Guinness

Malta Guinness is arguably the most iconic malt drink in Nigeria. Produced by Guinness Nigeria PLC, this non-alcoholic beverage is renowned for its rich, malty taste combined with a hint of bitterness. 

Malta Guinness offers a unique blend of essential vitamins and minerals, making it a popular choice among Nigerians seeking a healthy, energy-packed drink. Its distinct dark brown color, smooth texture, and satisfying carbonation have contributed to its enduring popularity in the Nigerian market.

Amstel Malta

Amstel Malta, manufactured by Nigerian Breweries PLC, is another widely consumed malt drink in Nigeria. Known for its crisp, refreshing taste, Amstel Malta is often praised for its distinct caramel flavor and smooth finish. This drink has gained a reputation as a premium malt beverage that appeals to a wide range of consumers. 

Its popularity is further bolstered by its association with sports and active lifestyles, as Amstel Malta is often endorsed by Nigerian athletes and sporting events.


Maltina, produced by Nigerian Breweries PLC, holds a special place in the hearts of Nigerians. With its signature slogan, "Happiness, Sharing, and Fun," Maltina has become synonymous with joyous occasions and family gatherings. This malt drink is cherished for its sweet and fruity taste, which is reminiscent of caramel and vanilla. 

Maltina's vibrant advertising campaigns and its commitment to promoting family values have solidified its position as one of the most beloved malt drinks in Nigeria.


Hi-Malt is a popular malt beverage manufactured by Consolidated Breweries PLC. With its smooth and full-bodied taste, Hi-Malt has carved a niche for itself in the Nigerian market. This drink boasts a distinct blend of malted barley, caramel, and natural flavors, providing a delightful sensory experience. 

Hi-Malt's affordability and widespread availability have made it a favorite among Nigerian consumers, particularly the younger demographic.

Grand Malt

Grand Malt, produced by Nigerian Breweries PLC, is a well-established malt drink that has captured the attention of Nigerians over the years. Recognized for its golden color and robust flavor, Grand Malt delivers a refreshing taste with a balanced blend of malt, hops, and natural ingredients. 

With its emphasis on quality and consistency, Grand Malt appeals to consumers seeking a reliable and enjoyable malt drink experience.

Trophy Malt

Trophy Malt, manufactured by International Breweries PLC, has become a prominent player in Nigeria's malt drinks market. Known for its smooth and creamy taste, Trophy Malt is often celebrated for its rich malty flavor profile and refreshing qualities. This drink is highly regarded for its ability to quench thirst and its overall appeal to a wide range of consumers.

Malt drinks have become an integral part of the Nigerian beverage culture, offering a refreshing alternative to alcoholic beverages and providing a burst of energy. 

The top six (6) malt drinks discussed in this article - Malta Guinness, Amstel Malta, Maltina, Hi-Malt, Grand Malt and Trophy Malt - have established themselves as leaders in the Nigerian market. Each drink brings its unique taste, nutritional value, and marketing strategies to captivate consumers across the country. 

Whether it's the rich malty flavors, the association with joyful occasions, or the promise of an energy boost, these malt drinks have undoubtedly become favorites among Nigerians, reflecting their diverse tastes and preferences.