We’ve all been there: you’ve had an argument with your partner and they’re playing the blame game. 

It can be incredibly frustrating to be in this situation, especially if you feel like you’re the only one trying to work towards a resolution. But it’s important to remember that this doesn’t have to be an endless cycle of blame and accusation. 

In this blog post, we’ll discuss what to do when your partner plays the blame game and how to avoid future conflict.

The definition of blame

Blame can be defined as assigning responsibility for an event or situation to someone. It is the act of attributing the fault or guilt for a certain action to another person or group of people. Blame is used to hold others responsible and to express disapproval of their behavior or actions. Blame can also be used to justify our own feelings and reactions.

In relationships, blame is often used as a way of shifting responsibility away from ourselves and onto our partner. This can lead to a cycle of blame that can be destructive to the relationship. The use of blame can create feelings of resentment, insecurity, and low self-esteem in both parties involved. It can also lead to a lack of trust and communication.

The reasons why people play the blame game

People often play the blame game as a way to avoid taking responsibility for their actions. It’s a defense mechanism that allows them to shift the focus onto someone else, instead of facing their own mistakes or shortcomings. It's a way of deflecting any negative attention away from them and onto someone else.

In addition, some people may play the blame game because it’s easier than actually dealing with a problem. They would rather assign blame to someone else, rather than take the time to find a solution.

Finally, some people are prone to playing the blame game because they were raised in an environment where it was the norm. This can lead to a habit of blaming others rather than finding ways to fix things.

The effects of playing the blame game

Playing the blame game can be extremely damaging to relationships. It can foster feelings of mistrust, insecurity, and resentment. This can lead to a lack of communication and connection between partners, which can in turn lead to a break down in the relationship.

When someone is constantly placing the blame on their partner for issues in the relationship, it can create a feeling of inadequacy or worthlessness in that person. They may start to feel like they are not good enough for their partner, leading them to feel even more disconnected from them.

The blame game can also cause one partner to become controlling and manipulative. They may try to use guilt and shame as a way to control their partner’s behavior. This can lead to a breakdown in trust, as the partner may begin to feel like they cannot rely on their partner.

Finally, playing the blame game can lead to destructive behaviors such as arguing, yelling, or even physical violence. These behaviors can be extremely damaging to relationships, and often lead to the breakdown of trust, respect, and ultimately, the relationship.

How to deal with a partner who plays the blame game

When your partner is playing the blame game, it can be very frustrating and damaging to your relationship. It is important to recognize and address this behavior quickly in order to improve communication and stop the cycle of blaming each other.

First, it’s important to talk to your partner and express how their behavior is making you feel. Open communication is essential to finding a solution, and it’s important that both partners feel heard. Allow yourself to be vulnerable and explain how their blaming makes you feel. If you are feeling particularly hurt or frustrated, take some time away from the situation to cool off before continuing the conversation. 

Second, it’s important to address the issue directly and calmly. Let your partner know that you understand why they may be feeling frustrated or upset, but that blaming each other isn’t productive. Talk about the underlying issues instead, such as lack of communication or unresolved feelings.

Third, work on finding solutions together. Ask your partner what they need from you in order to feel better, and listen without judgment. When it comes to finding a solution, be willing to compromise and work together to find a middle ground.

Finally, it’s important to have patience with each other. Blaming each other is a natural reaction, but it won’t solve anything. Take time to reflect on how the situation can be improved and commit to doing better. Be willing to forgive and move forward in your relationship together.


When your partner plays the blame game, it can be an incredibly difficult situation to navigate. It is important to recognize the signs of blame and understand why people might play this game in the first place. 

Additionally, it is essential to learn how to respond effectively and not give into the temptation to blame back. Remember, it takes two to tango, so take a step back and find ways to come together instead of driving further apart. 

Ultimately, communication is key and by working together you can help break the cycle of blame and create a healthier relationship.