Having a home help can be a great way to support families in managing their day-to-day tasks and responsibilities. But it is important to be aware of the risks of home help abuse, and to take steps to protect your children from it. 

In this blog post, we will explore some of the top tips for protecting your kids against home help abuse. We will discuss the importance of screening potential home helps, setting clear boundaries, and monitoring any interactions between home helps and your children. 

It is essential to take these precautions in order to ensure the safety and wellbeing of your children.

Get references

When looking for a home help, the best way to make sure they are trustworthy and reliable is to get references from previous employers. Ask for at least two or three references from people who have employed them in the past, and make sure you contact those references. 

Ask questions about their experience working with the candidate, any concerns they had, and whether they would recommend them for the job. This is an important step that shouldn’t be skipped, as it can help you decide if the person is the right fit for the job and will be safe around your children.

Do a criminal background check

When it comes to protecting your kids against home help abuse, one of the most important steps you can take is to do a criminal background check on any potential caretaker. Background checks provide you with important information that can help you make an informed decision about whether the person is suitable for the job.

It's important to remember that not all people who have committed a crime are dangerous or unsuitable for caring for your children. However, you should always know what type of criminal record the person has and consider if this information is relevant to their ability to care for your child.

A criminal background check can also provide you with insight into a person's past and present behavior. It may be worth talking to other people who have had experience with the person in question to get a better understanding of their behavior. 

If the individual passes your background check and other assessments, it is important to set clear rules and boundaries about what is acceptable and unacceptable behavior. Make sure that your child’s safety is a priority and that there is no room for ambiguity when it comes to appropriate behaviors and boundaries.

Meet in person

It’s important to always meet with potential home help in person before hiring them. In the interview, you should ask questions about their experience and qualifications, as well as get a better sense of their personality. During the interview, make sure you provide clear expectations about the job. This is also a good time to explain your family’s values and discuss any boundaries that must be respected. 

It is also important to observe how they interact with your kids. Pay attention to how they respond to the children’s questions and needs, as well as their body language and tone of voice. If they appear to be too friendly, overly familiar, or if they ignore boundaries that have been set, this may be a red flag.

By meeting with potential home help in person, you can get a better sense of who they are and whether they are a good fit for your family. Be sure to take note of your initial impression during the interview and trust your intuition if something doesn’t feel right.

Set clear rules and boundaries

When hiring home help, it is important to make sure that your rules and boundaries are clear. Make sure to communicate these rules to the home help before they start working in your home. Make sure that they understand what you expect of them and what behavior will not be tolerated. Some areas you may want to focus on include:

• Respect - Everyone in the house should be treated with respect. This includes both the children and other members of the household.

• Safety - Explain any safety concerns and how you expect the home help to act around children.

• Schedule - Explain any scheduling requirements that you may have for the home help, including when you want them to arrive and leave each day.

• Privacy - Explain that you expect privacy and that conversations between the home help and children should not be shared with anyone else.

• Discipline - Discuss what kind of disciplinary methods are acceptable for dealing with children.

By clearly outlining the rules and expectations for the home help, you can help ensure that everyone remains safe and respected while in your home.

Check in often

It is important to check in with your home help often. Regular check-ins allow you to ensure that the rules and boundaries you have set for your kids are being followed. Additionally, it can give you an opportunity to check in with your kids and make sure they are comfortable with the home help. 

Schedule regular check-ins with your home help, either in person or via video chat. Make sure to ask questions about how your kids are doing, their behaviour, and any other topics that may come up. It’s also a good idea to keep notes from these conversations and review them periodically. 

You can also encourage your kids to talk to you about their experiences with the home help. 

Ask open ended questions about how their day was, if the home help has treated them fairly, or if they have any concerns. If your kids seem uncomfortable or hesitant to answer questions, take the time to reassure them and encourage them to open up. 

Finally, be mindful of any red flags that come up during check-ins with your home help. If something doesn’t feel right, trust your instincts and investigate further. Make sure to document any information that seems suspicious and follow up with appropriate action. 

Checking in regularly with your home help and your kids can be an effective way to protect against home help abuse. Through open communication and careful monitoring, you can ensure that your family is safe and secure.

Trust your gut

When it comes to the safety of your children, you should always trust your instincts. If something about the home help doesn't seem quite right to you, it's important to pay attention to that feeling. Listen to your intuition and make sure you're comfortable with the person who will be in charge of caring for your kids.

It is especially important to trust your gut if you notice any signs of abuse or neglect. This could include anything from unusual behavior from your kids, to changes in their emotional state, to physical symptoms of abuse. If something doesn't seem right, don't ignore it. Instead, take action and investigate further. You may need to confront the home help or take steps to protect your child, depending on the situation. 

Trust your gut and don’t ignore any of the warning signs that may indicate home help abuse. It’s better to be safe than sorry when it comes to protecting your kids.

Have an emergency plan

It is important to have an emergency plan in place to protect your children from home help abuse. This plan should include a way for your child to contact you in case of an emergency, such as providing a cell phone with a pre-programmed emergency number. You should also make sure that your child knows the names and contact information for any adults or other family members who can provide assistance.

If you decide to hire a live-in home help, it is also essential that you provide specific guidelines about how the home help should respond in the event of an emergency. This should include clear instructions about when and how to call for help, as well as where and how your child should go if they need to leave the house. 

Finally, make sure to communicate the emergency plan to everyone who is responsible for supervising your child, including family members and other adults who may be involved. Make sure that everyone understands their role in the emergency plan and is prepared to act quickly and responsibly if an emergency arises.