Having a spouse with body odour can be a real issue in any marriage or relationship. It can put a strain on the relationship, and it’s difficult to bring up without offending your partner. But it doesn’t have to be a source of tension. 

In this blog post, we’ll explore ways to talk about the issue of body odour and provide tips for dealing with it in a positive way. Read on to learn how to keep your relationship healthy and happy despite body odour issues.

Talk to your spouse about their body odour

It can be difficult to talk to your spouse about their body odour, especially if you care about them and don’t want to hurt their feelings. However, it’s important to remember that this is an issue that needs to be addressed in order for your relationship to remain healthy.

It’s best to talk to your spouse in a non-judgmental manner. Let them know that you are concerned about their health and want to help them find a solution to the problem. If you come across as judgmental or critical, it’s likely that your spouse won’t be receptive to the conversation.

If the body odour is coming from another health issue, such as diabetes or poor hygiene, it may help to bring up the subject of going to the doctor together. Let your spouse know that you’re there to support them and that you’re willing to go with them if they need some extra encouragement.

If the body odour is due to an external factor, such as perfumes or colognes, you could also suggest that they switch to something more natural or unscented. This way, they will still feel good about themselves and won’t have to worry about offending others with their smell.

Above all else, make sure your spouse knows that you still care about them and that you’re only trying to help. When done correctly, talking about body odour can actually help strengthen your relationship by making it easier for you both to be honest and open with each other.

Help them find the cause of their body odour

When your spouse has body odour, it is important to try and identify the underlying cause. There are several potential causes, such as medical conditions, dietary choices, clothing choices, and hygiene habits. 

Medical conditions: Certain medical conditions can contribute to body odour, such as diabetes, thyroid disorders, and adrenal gland problems. If your spouse has any of these conditions, it is best to consult a doctor or healthcare provider for advice on how to manage them. 

Dietary choices: Eating certain foods can lead to an increase in body odour. Foods that are high in proteins, like red meat, eggs, and fish, can contribute to body odour. Sweets and processed foods can also increase sweat production. Encourage your spouse to reduce their intake of these types of food.

Clothing choices: Wearing clothes made from synthetic materials such as polyester can trap sweat and increase body odour. Suggest that your spouse opt for natural fabrics such as cotton when possible. 

Hygiene habits: Poor hygiene habits can also contribute to body odour. Ask your spouse if they are regularly showering and changing clothes every day. If not, suggest that they start taking regular showers and changing their clothes daily. Encourage them to use an antibacterial soap and a deodorant or antiperspirant. 

Once you have identified the cause of your spouse's body odour, you can work together to find a solution. Be supportive and understanding and help them make the necessary changes to reduce the problem.

Be supportive and understanding

When dealing with your spouse's body odour, it's important to stay supportive and understanding. This can be a sensitive topic and it's likely that your spouse may be embarrassed or ashamed about it. Let them know that it doesn't change how you feel about them, and that you want to help find solutions. 

Be patient, listen to what they have to say, and focus on how you can work together to solve the problem. Acknowledge that this is an issue and do your best to be empathetic and understanding. Show your spouse that you care about them and are willing to work together on a solution.

Suggest some solutions to help them reduce their body odour

1. Encourage your spouse to shower or bathe regularly. It is important to not only wash away dirt and sweat, but also to help remove any body odour. Suggesting a relaxing shower or bath with aromatherapy oils can be a great way to help your partner relax and feel better about themselves.

2. Help your partner choose the right soap and deodorant for their skin type. Fragrance-free and hypoallergenic products are usually best for sensitive skin. It is also important to choose a deodorant with antiseptic ingredients that can help fight bacteria that causes body odour.

3. If your partner’s body odour is caused by excessive sweating, then encourage them to wear lightweight and breathable clothing that helps wick away moisture from the skin. It may also be helpful to invest in some specialized sports clothing with fabrics specifically designed to reduce sweat and body odour.

4. Consider the types of foods that your partner is eating and encourage them to reduce their intake of certain foods like garlic and onions, which can contribute to body odour.

5. Finally, if all else fails, suggest that your partner visits a doctor or dermatologist to find out if there is an underlying medical issue that could be causing the body odour.

Seek professional help if needed

If you’ve tried all of the above steps to help your spouse reduce their body odour, but it still persists, it’s time to consider seeking professional help. 

A doctor or dermatologist can help diagnose the cause of the body odour and offer potential treatments. They may prescribe an antiperspirant or other topical treatment to reduce the body odour. They may also suggest lifestyle changes to help reduce body odour, such as showering more frequently, wearing breathable fabrics, or avoiding certain foods that could be triggering the odour. 

When seeking professional help, make sure you explain the situation and provide details of any attempts you’ve already made to try and help your partner reduce their body odour. The doctor or dermatologist should be able to provide a diagnosis and possible treatments to help them in the long run. 

It’s important to remember that body odour is a common issue and is usually treatable. Don’t be afraid to seek out professional help if needed – you don’t have to suffer in silence.