It is no secret that parents want to give their children the best life possible, but sometimes too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. Overindulging children can lead to negative long-term effects, from behavioral issues to mental health concerns.

In this article, we will explore the various dangers associated with overindulging children, and how parents can find the right balance between spoiling their children and setting healthy boundaries.

What is overindulgence?

Overindulgence, also known as “helicopter parenting”, is when parents lavish their children with excessive amounts of attention, gifts, and privileges. This type of parenting is often done in an effort to try to make up for past mistakes or shortcomings. It can lead to an over-reliance on the parent and can have serious consequences for a child’s development.

When a child is overindulged, it means that he or she has been given more than what is appropriate for their age. This could include things such as too much money, too many toys or too much freedom. Parents may also provide excessive praise and validation for even minor accomplishments.

Overindulgent parents may also be overly lenient with discipline. They may not set clear expectations or boundaries and instead allow their children to do whatever they want. This can lead to children becoming spoiled and demanding, while also lacking in self-discipline.

Overall, overindulgence can be harmful to a child’s development as it can lead to them becoming overly dependent on their parents, leading to an inability to cope with life’s challenges. It can also lead to a lack of self-discipline and an inability to regulate their own behavior.

Why do parents overindulge their children?

Many parents today are overindulging their children, meaning they give in to their every demand and give them too much of what they want. There are several reasons why parents overindulge. 

Firstly, parents may feel guilty for not spending enough time with their children due to work commitments, and so try to make up for it by giving them material possessions or excessive freedom. They may also think that indulging their child is a form of love, and by doing so, they can make their child happy. 

Finally, some parents may overindulge their children because of peer pressure. They may worry that other children have more than their own, and feel obligated to provide the same for their own child. 

Regardless of why parents choose to overindulge their children, it can have serious negative consequences. Overindulgence can lead to feelings of entitlement, a lack of respect for authority, and poor self-control. It can also lead to increased levels of anxiety and depression as the child grows older. For these reasons, it is important for parents to avoid overindulging their children.

What are the consequences of overindulgence?

Overindulging children can have a number of negative consequences, both in the short and long term. In the short term, overindulgence can lead to spoiled behavior, entitlement, and difficulty accepting or understanding limits. Children who are overindulged may lack respect for authority figures, become demanding or manipulative, and even display aggressive behaviors. In the long term, overindulgence can have an effect on a child's emotional development and future success.

 Overindulged children may be less resilient and more prone to depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem. They may also struggle to become independent as adults, leading to further difficulties in their personal and professional lives. Ultimately, overindulgence can create a feeling of dependence rather than independence in a child.

How can parents avoid overindulging their children?

The most important step in avoiding overindulging children is setting limits. Allowing children to have their own decisions and make mistakes can help teach them important life lessons, but it’s important to draw boundaries on what is acceptable and what isn’t. 

Children should learn that some things are just not allowed, like spending too much money or talking back. It is also important for parents to take the time to explain why something isn’t allowed and provide alternate solutions.

Parents should also focus on providing love and support instead of material items. Emotional connections with children are essential for proper development and can provide a sense of security and comfort. A parent's love should be shown through meaningful conversations, shared experiences, and physical affection.

It’s also important to teach children how to manage their own money. Giving children an allowance can be a great way to help them understand how money works and how to budget responsibly. This will also give children the opportunity to learn how to make their own decisions about their finances without relying on their parents for everything.

Finally, parents should avoid comparing their children to other kids. It can create an unhealthy environment of competition, which can lead to unrealistic expectations from the child. Encouragement and positive reinforcement should be used instead, so that children can focus on developing their own strengths and talents.


Overindulging children is a common mistake made by many parents today. It is important to remember that overindulging can have severe and long-term consequences for a child’s development and future success.

Parents should be mindful of their child’s needs and provide only what is necessary in order to help them grow into independent and confident adults.

By setting boundaries and providing discipline, parents can ensure that their children are not overwhelmed by the demands of society or coddled with excessive attention and indulgences.