Having a partner who lies is an incredibly difficult situation to be in. It can be hard to know how to handle the situation, and it can be even harder to trust them again. If your partner is a pathological liar, it can feel like they are impossible to trust. 

This article will explore five tips for dealing with a partner who is a pathological liar. By understanding the nature of the problem and taking steps to create a healthier relationship, you can work towards a better outcome.

1) Understand why they lie

Understanding why your partner is lying to you can be a difficult task. However, it is important to try and understand why they might be lying in order to help address the issue. 

Lying is often a symptom of deeper issues. Your partner may lie as a way to cover up something they are afraid of or ashamed of. They may also be trying to protect themselves from being hurt, or to avoid facing consequences for their actions. It can also be a way for them to control the situation and make sure that the truth does not come out.

Your partner may also be lying due to a personality disorder, such as antisocial personality disorder or narcissistic personality disorder. People with these types of personality disorders can have difficulty understanding how their behavior affects other people, and may feel no guilt or remorse for their actions. They may also find it easier to tell lies than to face the truth. 

It is important to remember that your partner's lying behavior is not a reflection on you, but rather a reflection of the issues they are dealing with. Understanding why they are lying can help you better handle the situation and provide your partner with the support they need.

2) Do not take it personally

It can be difficult not to take a partner's lies personally, especially if you have been lied to repeatedly. It is important to remember that your partner's lies are a reflection of their own behavior and insecurities, and not of your worth as a person. 

Your partner may be lying to avoid dealing with the reality of the situation, or out of fear that you will reject them if they tell the truth. Remind yourself that their lies are not an attack on you, and try not to let your hurt feelings get in the way of objectively addressing the situation.

3) Confront them about their lies

When dealing with a lying partner, it's important to confront them about their behavior. This doesn't mean getting into a heated argument or accusing them of lying, but rather simply communicating your feelings. Let them know that you are aware that they are lying and that it's hurtful and unacceptable. It may be helpful to ask them why they are lying and listen to their response. Be sure to communicate that lying is not acceptable in the relationship. 

Be clear about what kind of behavior you expect from them going forward. Explain that if the behavior does not change, the relationship may have to end. 

It may be hard to confront a partner who has been lying, but it's important to do so in order to protect yourself and your relationship. Keep in mind that you don't have to tolerate any kind of dishonesty in your relationship. By confronting your partner about their lies, you will be taking steps to protect yourself and ensure that your relationship is based on trust and honesty.

4) Set boundaries

Setting boundaries is essential when dealing with a lying partner. This means setting limits on what you are willing to accept from them in terms of lies and other unacceptable behavior. It also means making it clear that certain consequences will follow if they cross those boundaries.

When setting boundaries, it is important to be firm but compassionate. Start by clearly stating your expectations. Make sure your partner understands what you expect from them. You can also let them know that lying is not acceptable and that there will be consequences if they continue to do so. It’s also important to ensure your partner knows that you are serious about enforcing these boundaries.

When it comes to consequences, it is important to pick an appropriate one that fits the situation. For example, if your partner has lied to you about where they were, you might ask them to take a break from the relationship until they can prove their honesty and trustworthiness.

It is also important to remember that setting boundaries does not mean you are trying to control or manipulate your partner. Instead, it is about setting healthy expectations for your relationship and taking steps to protect yourself from further hurt and betrayal.

5) Seek professional help

If your partner is a pathological liar, it may be time to seek professional help. Pathological lying is a mental health disorder and should not be taken lightly. It’s important to find an experienced therapist who can diagnose and treat this type of behavior. 

There are many different treatment options available for pathological liars. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is one of the most effective treatments. This therapy involves challenging and changing the thought patterns that lead to lying and also teaches the patient how to cope with stress in more constructive ways. Other treatments include group therapy, psychoeducation, and family therapy.

It's important to remember that it takes time to overcome pathological lying, so don’t expect your partner’s behaviors to change overnight. With patience and understanding, you can help your partner make positive changes in their life.