Before you make up your mind about the best school for your kid, first determine you will like the kid to attend a boarding school or a day school. A boarding school is the kind o school in which your kid will have to stay back in school and live in the accommodation provided for students in that school, only to be allowed to come home when schools are on holiday, short or long.  

A day school is the opposite of a boarding school. In a day school, there is no provision for a boarding facility and each student has to go back home after the school closes at the end of each day. 

Some educational institutions are known to offer both boarding and day services in that they have boarding facilities and the students are free to choose if they will like to live in the boarding facilities or be a day student. Such institutions do not mandate boarding for every student.  All these factors need to be considered as a parent before making up your mind regarding the school that your child attends.  

Many parents are undecided on whether they should allow their wards to attend boarding schools or let the child be a day student.  If you are one of such parts, the information we will provide in this informative piece will help you to make up your mind regarding that. In this write-up, we will show you some of the advantages and disadvantages of enrolling your wards in a boarding school, helping you to make informed decision in this regard. 


Independent lifestyle

Enrolling your wards in a boarding school will make him or her a more independent person. The children are not living at home for the time being and will not have you to make decisions for them, enabling they will have to make the decisions by themselves.  

Some other decision they will need to make by themselves are how they spend their time to study, what to eat and when to eat, waking up in the might to read, amount of time spent on relaxation or playing.  While many boarding schools a lot time or each of these activities can also compel the students to comply, it is left for the students to use the allotted time for each activity properly.  If your ward can use the allotted time for the sp0ecified activities , he will undoubtedly turn out to be a responsible adult.

Improved confidence      

One other benefit of enrolling your wards in a boarding school is that it helps to build the confidence of the child. Being put in a situation where you have to make decision for yourself can build you up overtime and the independence it offers can force maturity on you.

The confidence of your wards can even soar if they come back home with very good grades. If you will like to make your wards highly confident individuals, you should consider enrolling them in a boarding school. 

A better disciplined child

Many of the boarding houses in Nigeria have very strict discipline rules. As a result, many of the boarders (boarding students) end up being highly disciplined. The boarding schools force the students to live a regimented life, giving them training similar to that of a military camp. So, you can expect your wards to turnout more disciplined than how they were when they left home.  

Everything at as boarding school has its allotted time and each student has to comply by force. If your ward has an unruly behavior, you can put him back in line by enrolling him in a boarding school.  By the time the term is over, you can expect a drastic change in his way of life.

Better academic skills

One other noticeable benefit of enrolling your wards in a boarding school is that they stand a better chance of becoming better academically. A child living at home with you will have to participate in the daily routines at home, which can take a sizeable amount of time from the child, an amount o time that could have been spent on studying.  The child will be speared this if he is in a boarding school, therefore, giving home more time to concentrate on his studies.  You can expect such a child to get better academically and make you proud.

Disadvantages of boarding school

Homesickness can set in

A child that spent his early days on earth will be accustomed to the home. Forcing such a child to go live in a boarding school can make him home sick, preventing adequate concentration on his studies in the boarding school.  Living alone in an unfamiliar enviroenmtn can be difficult for a child and some kids may find it difficult to cope for many years. 

Blending can be a problem 

Not all kids can easily blend or associate with strangers. They grew at home with certain familiar faces, like their dads, moms and siblings. Any other person outside this circle is adjudged a stranger and it can be difficult for your wards to associate freely with such individuals. Lack of such an association can negatively affect your ward’s ability to build a formidable social life, preventing him from enjoying everything that a boarding house can offer. 

Adjusting can be difficult 

The child had spent all his years at home under the guidance of parents. Asking the child to go to a boarding school may not be favorable to his development. Inability to adjust will prevent the child from studying adequately and this will lead to him getting poor grades and getting the parents disappointed. While boarding school may work wonders for some students academically, it may not be of any benefit to some students.

Stress can set in

Not all kids can live under the regimented conditions in boarding schools. The conditions can be stressful to the students. While some students are above to cope with the stress and recover fast, some other students may take it to heart and go under. Stress can cause long-tem metal or psychological issue to the child.

So, you must be careful when enrolling your wards in a boarding school.   As a parent, you should take time to study your wards and this will help you know if that child has what it takes to survive and thrive at a boarding school.

If your child is not the type that can withstand stress for a long time, enrolling such a child in a boarding school may not be the best decision.