Tomato concentrate, also known as tomato paste, is a thick and concentrated form of tomatoes that is widely used in cooking for its rich flavor and versatility. It is made by reducing fresh tomatoes to a dense and concentrated paste, resulting in a product that is both convenient and packed with the natural goodness of tomatoes. 

Culinary Applications of Tomato Concentrate

Tomato concentrate is a staple ingredient in many cuisines around the world. Its concentrated flavor adds depth, richness, and a hint of sweetness to a wide range of dishes. Here are some popular culinary applications of tomato concentrate:

a. Sauces and Soups: Tomato concentrate forms the foundation for numerous pasta sauces, pizza sauces, and hearty soups. Its intense flavor provides a robust base, enhancing the overall taste of these dishes.

b. Stews and Braises: Adding a spoonful of tomato concentrate to stews, braises, and slow-cooked dishes lends a vibrant color and a tangy undertone. It helps balance the flavors and adds a delightful richness to the final dish.

c. Marinades and Dressings: Tomato concentrate can be incorporated into marinades for meats, poultry, or vegetables, providing them with a savory tang. It also works well in dressings for salads or as a drizzle over roasted vegetables.

d. Dips and Spreads: Mixing tomato concentrate with ingredients like herbs, spices, and mayonnaise can create flavorful dips and spreads. These are perfect accompaniments for appetizers, bread, or crackers.

Nutritional Benefits of Tomato Concentrate

Aside from its culinary advantages, tomato concentrate offers a range of nutritional benefits. Tomatoes are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, and the concentration process further enhances their nutritional value. Here are some key benefits:

a. Lycopene Content: Tomatoes are a significant source of lycopene, a powerful antioxidant associated with various health benefits. Lycopene has been linked to reducing the risk of certain cancers, heart disease, and age-related macular degeneration.

b. Vitamins and Minerals: Tomato concentrate contains essential vitamins such as vitamin C, vitamin A, and vitamin K. It also provides minerals like potassium and iron, which play vital roles in maintaining overall health.

c. Antioxidant Properties: The concentrated form of tomatoes retains the antioxidant properties of fresh tomatoes. Antioxidants help combat free radicals, which are unstable molecules that can damage cells and contribute to chronic diseases.

Tomatoes are widely recognized as a versatile ingredient used in a variety of culinary creations. One popular form of tomato product is tomato concentrate, renowned for its concentrated flavor and multiple applications in the kitchen. 

Tomato concentrate, also known as tomato paste, is a thick, richly flavored product derived from ripe tomatoes. It is made by removing the seeds and skin from tomatoes, followed by reducing the tomato juice through evaporation to form a concentrated, concentrated form of the original product. This process results in a product that captures the essence of tomatoes, intensifying their natural flavors.

Tomatoes concentrate production is an excellent business opportunity that can yield substantial profits in Nigeria's growing market. With Nigeria's large population and increasing consumer demand, establishing a tomatoes concentrate production venture can be a lucrative venture. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide on how to start tomatoes concentrate production in Nigeria.

Market Research and Analysis

Before diving into tomatoes concentrate production, it is crucial to conduct thorough market research and analysis. Understand the demand for different types of concentrates, identify potential customers, and assess the competition. 

Look into market trends, consumer preferences, and existing suppliers. This information will help you make informed decisions about product development, pricing, and marketing strategies.

Obtain Necessary Licenses and Permits

To start concentrate production in Nigeria, you will need to fulfill legal and regulatory requirements. Contact relevant government agencies such as the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) to understand the specific licenses and permits required for your business. Ensure compliance with health and safety standards, as well as quality control measures.

Set Up a Production Facility

Establishing a suitable production facility is crucial for tomatoes concentrate production. Identify a location with adequate space, access to utilities, and proximity to raw material suppliers and potential markets. 

Depending on your production scale, you may consider leasing or constructing a facility. Ensure that the facility meets food safety regulations and has appropriate storage, processing, and packaging areas.

Source Raw Materials

Procure high-quality raw materials for tomatoes concentrate production. In Nigeria, tomato farming is predominantly done in the northern part of the country. Most states in the north like Kano, Jigawa, Plateau, Benue, Kaduna, Gombe, Bauchi, Sokoto, Kebbi, Nasarawa, Zamfara and Kogi have huge tomato plantations. Nigeria produced about three million, five hundred and eighty thousand (3,580,000) tons in 2021.

Conduct quality checks on raw materials to ensure they meet the required standards. Maintain good relationships with suppliers to ensure a steady supply chain.

Invest in Equipment and Technology

Invest in the necessary machinery and equipment for concentrate production. This may include extraction and filtration systems, evaporators, blending tanks, packaging machines, and quality control instruments. 

Consider automated processes to enhance efficiency and reduce production costs. Stay updated with technological advancements in the industry to improve productivity and product quality.

The Process of Making Tomato Concentrate

Tomato concentrate is produced through a simple but meticulous process that involves reducing fresh tomatoes to a thick and concentrated form. Here is an overview of the typical process:

a. Harvesting and Sorting: High-quality tomatoes are carefully selected for their flavor, ripeness, and texture. Sorting ensures that only the best tomatoes are chosen for the production process.

b. Washing and Peeling: The tomatoes are thoroughly washed to remove any dirt or impurities. The peeling process involves scalding the tomatoes in hot water, which loosens the skin, making it easier to remove.

c. Crushing and Sieving: The peeled tomatoes are crushed to break them down into smaller pieces. The resulting pulp is then passed through a sieve or strainer to remove seeds and any remaining solids.

d. Cooking and Concentrating: The tomato pulp is transferred to large pans or kettles and slowly cooked over low heat to evaporate excess moisture. This process allows the flavors to intensify and the mixture to thicken, resulting in a concentrated paste.

e. Packaging: Once the desired consistency is achieved, the tomato concentrate is packaged in airtight containers to preserve its flavor and extend its shelf life.

Develop Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

Establish well-defined standard operating procedures (SOPs) for each stage of the production process. SOPs ensure consistency, quality control, and efficient operations. Train your employees on these procedures to maintain uniformity in product quality and safety standards.

Implement Quality Control Measures

Maintaining high-quality standards is crucial for the success of your tomatoes concentrate production business. Implement stringent quality control measures at every stage, from raw material selection to final product packaging. 

Conduct regular testing for microbial contamination, chemical composition, and sensory attributes. Adhere to national and international quality standards to build trust among consumers.

Packaging and Branding

Develop an appealing packaging design that reflects the quality and uniqueness of your concentrate products. Invest in attractive, tamper-proof containers that preserve product freshness. Consider eco-friendly packaging options to align with sustainability trends. Invest in branding efforts to create a recognizable and trustworthy brand in the market.

Distribution and Marketing

Create a robust distribution network to ensure your concentrate products reach consumers efficiently. Establish partnerships with distributors, wholesalers, and retailers across Nigeria. Leverage both traditional and digital marketing strategies to promote your brand and products. Utilize social media platforms, e-commerce websites, and participate in trade fairs or industry events to reach a wider audience.

Maintain Customer Relationships

Customer satisfaction is essential for building a successful concentrate production business. Provide excellent customer service, promptly address customer queries and complaints, and continually seek feedback. Engage with your customers through social media platforms, newsletters, and loyalty programs to foster long-term relationships.


Starting tomatoes concentrate production in Nigeria offers significant opportunities in a rapidly growing market. Conduct thorough market research, identify the right product line, and establish a robust production facility.

Comply with legal requirements, invest in equipment, and implement quality control measures. Focus on packaging, branding, and effective distribution and marketing strategies. By following this comprehensive guide, you can establish a successful concentrate production venture in Nigeria and tap into the country's vast potential.